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Salesforce 2-Way Sync
Salesforce 2-Way Sync
Written by Marya Maksimchuk
Updated over a week ago

Plan availability:

PandaDoc: Business Annual* and Enterprise Annual* plans

Salesforce: “Professional”, “Enterprise”, “Unlimited”, “Developer edition”, "Performance"

*This integration is available as a paid add-on.

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To use sync triggers, you must have access to Salesforce API.


In PandaDoc setup under Document Trigger Setting, if you don’t see the six triggers as described below, make sure you have the latest Salesforce version. Learn how to install the latest package here.

For developers, you can find GitHub documentation here outlining how to set up custom classes and triggers in the PandaDoc integration with Salesforce.

To access PandaDoc setup, click on App Launcher, then select PandaDoc Setup from the dropdown menu. PandaDoc settings will be opened in the new tab.


Import capabilities


The document must be in the Draft status for this feature.


This feature is available for users with a Member, Manager, and Admin role. If you use custom roles make sure to enable “Can view and request integrations” permission for the role to allow users to link documents to Salesforce and import data.

If the information in a Salesforce record is updated after the document has already been created from this record, you can update the document with the correct values:

  1. In the document, go to the Integrations panel by clicking the Salesforce icon on the left inside the PandaDoc document

  2. Under Document data, select “Import from CRM”

  3. The variables and products in quote builder/pricing table will be updated with the latest information from Salesforce provided the document was created from Opportunity. The list of products in PandaDoc will change based on the addition or removal of opportunity products.

  4. You can use the "Import from CRM" feature in any object in Salesforce: Opportunity, Account, Lead, Contact, or custom objects.

If the field in Salesforce is empty, the corresponding variable won't be refreshed.


You cannot update PandaDoc fields or role variables.

Export capabilities

Update opportunity status when PandaDoc status is updated

You can set up automatic opportunity status updates once a PandaDoc document’s status is changed.

To enable this feature in Salesforce, click on the “+” at the top, then click PandaDoc Setup. Scroll down to Document trigger settings. Enable Change Opportunity Status Trigger and click Setup.

Then, map Document status to Opportunity status. You can set this up for any document, or for documents created from a specific template. The top mapping allows you to set mapping for any document.


Scroll down to set up status mapping for a specific template. Add the template ID and click Add. (To find a template ID, open the template and copy the ID from the link in the address bar.) Then, set up the mapping below and click Save. You can create specific mapping for an unlimited number of template IDs.


Please note: When both types of mapping are set up, specific template mapping will override default mapping (ie. mapping for all documents.)

If you need more status mappings -> please submit an idea on the idea portal or contact us.

Save updates to documents to “Notes and Attachments”

You can save all document updates as notes under “Notes and Attachments” in Salesforce.

  1. To enable this feature in Salesforce, click on the “+” at the top and then click “PandaDoc Setup.” Scroll down to “Document trigger settings”, enable “Documents Activity Trigger” and click “Setup”.

  2. To finish configuring “Documents Activity Trigger, select the object where PandaDoc module is installed and click “Save”.


The following info is saved to Notes:

  • {PandaDoc user} created a document {Document name}.

  • {PandaDoc user} sent a document {Document name} to {Recipients}.

  • Document {Document name} was viewed.

  • Document {Document name} has been completed.

  • Document {Document name} was signed by {Signer name}.

  • Document {Document name} is waiting for payment.

  • New revision for {Document name} document has been created. (is displayed when document is sent and edited afterwards)

  • Document {Document name} expired.

  • Document {Document name} was paid.

  • Document {Document name} was declined.

  • Document {Document name} was deleted.

If you want to push more changes to Notes, please submit an idea on the idea portal or contact PandaDoc Support Team.

Save PDF version of PandaDoc to “Attachments”

You can save PandaDoc document PDF as attachment under “Notes and Attachments” section in Salesforce.

To enable this feature in Salesforce, click on the “+” at the top and then click “PandaDoc Setup". Scroll down to “Document trigger settings”, enable “Save PDF version of PandaDoc to Files (new)” and click “Setup”.


You can refer to to learn the difference between files and attachments.

Configure statuses that will trigger a PDF upload.

You can also configure Attachment name format. To do that, copy merge fields/tokens (e.g. [documentName]) suggested in the tooltip on the right and paste them into the “Attachment name format” field.


[today] stands for today date, [now] stands for today date + time.

Once done – “Save” the configuration.

Update Opportunity Products when PandaDoc pricing table or quote builder is updated

You can have Opportunity Products updated automatically when PandaDoc pricing table / quote builder in the document is changed.

To enable this feature In Salesforce, click on the “+” at the top and then click “PandaDoc Setup'. Scroll down to “Document trigger settings”, and enable “Update Opportunity products”.

How the trigger works:

  • The 2-way sync works only for Opportunity Products.

  • Opportunity Products are updated once the status of a PandaDoc document is changed to 'Sent' and 'Completed'.

  • The following Opportunity Product fields can be updated automatically:

    • Custom or standard Opportunity Product fields mapped through PandaDoc Setup -> Configure Pricing Items will always update their values from the following pricing table or quote builder columns:

      • Discount

      • Line Description

      • Quantity

      • Sales Price


        Product Code, Name, and List Price Opportunity Product fields cannot be updated.

    • custom or standard Opportunity Product fields mapped through Column Mapping interface will only update if a column is visible in the PandaDoc document.

  • In the “Configure Pricing items” mapping (Step 1 in the hyperlinked guide) you need to make sure that SKU field is mapped – use product code field for mapping.

  • Opportunity Products list will be matched with the pricing table or quote builder once the status of the PandaDoc document changes to 'Sent' and 'Completed'.

    Adding and removing opportunity products is based on their selection in the pricing table and quote builder(optional line items), as well as when they are explicitly added or removed from the document.


    An Opportunity Product can be created provided its SKU value is specified in PandaDoc.



This trigger works for Editable QTY as well, i.e. when your recipient is allowed to update product quantity (learn more here, Step 6).

If you have any feedback, please tell us more on our idea portal or reach out to us.

You can also set up your custom trigger, but that requires advanced coding. To see examples of the code that you will need to add, please see the Salesforce Custom Trigger Guide here.

Export PandaDoc field values to Salesforce

You can automatically export field values from your PandaDoc documents into Salesforce fields as soon as the document status changes to ‘Sent’ or ‘Completed’.

To enable this feature in Salesforce:

  1. Select App Launcher at the top left

  2. Start typing ‘PandaDoc Setup’ in the search bar to quickly open it from the dropdown

  3. Scroll down to ‘Document trigger settings’ and enable Export PandaDoc field values to Salesforce

For the trigger to work, you must map PandaDoc fields with Salesforce fields using the field's variable name. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to ‘PandaDoc Setup’ > ‘Configure Tokens’

  2. Open the object you want to create the document from and copy the variable name of the field you want to populate with the field value from PandaDoc.


    The targeted Salesforce field should be activated in the PandaDoc Setup

  3. Open the template you’ll be using to create your documents, click on the field, and select Properties on the floating panel > paste the variable name without square brackets in the 'Merge Field' area on the right panel


    You can export values only from text, date, checkbox, dropdown, and radio button fields back to the mapped Salesforce fields.

  4. Done! Now every time you create a document using this template, the field values will be exported to the mapped Salesforce fields any time the document status changes to ‘Sent’ and ‘Completed’.

Please note:

  • You can only update those fields that are activated for the object you create the document from. (PandaDoc Setup > Configure Tokens > Object)

  • If a field that is subject to update is read-only or can’t be updated due to permission limitations, the trigger will skip that field and update the other ones.

You can also update fields in Salesforce with PandaDoc documents data using Zapier. Learn here more.


PDFs aren’t attached to Files, although other triggers work

Known reason: PD_API in Remote Site Settings is not set as active.


  1. Go to SalesForce Setup

  2. Enter “Remote Site Settings” in the Quick find bar and click on it

  3. Check whether the value in “Active” column is checked for PD API

  4. Click Edit and tick the checkbox to activate if it is unchecked

  5. Click “Save”. Here is the GIF showing the steps described:

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