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Custom roles
Written by Marya Maksimchuk
Updated over a week ago

Availability: Enterprise plan

The custom roles feature allows you to create a role for your users with specific permissions.


Only the account owner can access the admin panel to set up a custom role.

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The custom role must be enabled on the workspace level in the admin panel (step 6 below); otherwise, you will not see this role under Team and seats.

Create a custom role

  1. Navigate to Settings by selecting your name in the lower left corner, then select Roles.

  2. Select +Create role

  3. Type in the name of your role.

  4. Set the permissions yourself, or select a role from the dropdown to copy them from a system role or another custom role.

  5. Select Save once done.

  6. Now, you need to make this new role available for your workspace. Custom roles must be enabled for each specific workspace before they can be used. If the role hasn't been made available for your workspace, it won't appear as an option when managing your team.

  7. To enable the custom role for your workspace, find your role in the list of all roles, and choose the Edit role option. Then, switch to the Workspaces tab, select the desired workspace, or choose Enable role for all future workspaces in the organization option.

  8. Finally, select Save.

Permissions overview


User documents

  • Can view own documents

  • Can create documents in own folders

    • Can create blank documents

    • Can create documents from template

    • Can create documents from shared templates

    • Can create uploaded documents

    • Can create documents from public templates

  • Can edit own documents

  • Can duplicate own documents

  • Can remove own documents

  • Can move own documents

  • Can download own documents

  • Can send own documents

User document folders

  • Can view own document folders

  • Can create own document folders

  • Can edit own document folders

  • Can remove own document folders

All documents

  • Can view any document

  • Can edit any document

  • Can duplicate any document

  • Can remove any document

  • Can move any document

  • Can create a document in any folder

  • Can move own document to any folder

  • Can send any document

All document folders

  • Can view any document folder

  • Can edit any document folder

  • Can remove any document folder

  • Can create a document folder in any folder


User templates

  • Can view any templates

  • Can create templates

    • Can create editor templates

    • Can create uploaded templates

  • Can edit own templates

  • Can remove own templates

  • Can move own templates

  • Can download own templates

  • Can duplicate own templates

User template folders

  • Can view template folders

  • Can create template folders

  • Can edit own template folders

  • Can remove own template folders

All templates

  • Can edit any template

  • Can remove any template

  • Can move any template

  • Can duplicate any template

  • Can embed templates

All template folders

  • Can edit any template folder

  • Can remove any template folder


User forms

  • Can view any forms

  • Can create forms

  • Can edit own forms

  • Can duplicate own forms

  • Can remove own forms

  • Can publish own forms

  • Can manually create document from own forms

All forms

  • Can edit any forms

  • Can duplicate any forms

  • Can remove any forms

  • Can publish any forms

  • Can manually create document from own forms

Content library

User content library items

  • Can view content library items

  • Can create content library items

  • Can edit own content library items

  • Can remove own content library items

  • Can move own content library items

  • Can duplicate content library items

  • Can download own content library items

User content library folders

  • Can view any content library folders

  • Can create content library folders

  • Can edit own content library folders

  • Can remove own content library folders

All content library items

  • Can edit any content library items

  • Can remove any content library items

  • Can move any content library items

  • Can duplicate any content library items

All content library folders

  • Can edit any content library folders

  • Can remove any content library folders


Catalog items

  • Can view catalog items

  • Can create catalog items

  • Can edit catalog items

  • Can remove catalog items

  • Can move catalog items

  • Can import catalog items

Catalog folders

  • Can view catalog folders

  • Can create catalog folders

  • Can edit catalog folders

  • Can remove catalog folders

Block's content

  • Can restrict content blocks editing


  • Can view contacts

  • Can create contacts

  • Can edit contacts

  • Can remove contacts


User Payments. Own payments

  • Can view own payments

  • Can send payment reminder

  • Can mark as paid

All payments

  • Can view any payments

  • Can send any payment reminder

  • Can mark any payment as paid


  • Can configure and manage integrations

  • Can view and request integrations

Workspace and themes


  • Can add users

  • Can remove users

  • Can edit users

  • Can change workspace settings

  • Can change branding settings


  • Can view themes

  • Can create themes

    • Can apply theme to a document

    • Can apply theme to a template

  • Can edit themes

  • Can remove themes

Content sharing

  • Can share templates

  • Can share content library items


  • Can access reporting

  • Can filter dashboard by team member

Image library

  • Can access image library

  • Can add images in image library

  • Can edit own images in image library

  • Can remove own images from image library

  • Can edit any images in image library

  • Can remove any images from image library

Saved messages

  • Can access saved messages

  • Can create saved messages

  • Can edit own saved messages

  • Can delete own saved messages

  • Can edit any saved messages

  • Can delete any saved message

Appoval workflows

  • Can approve documents

  • Can create and edit approval workflows

In-person signing

  • Can host in-person signing sessions

Smart content and CPQ

Smart content

  • Can manage smart content block

  • Can manage smart content for recipients


  • Can edit quotes

  • Can configure quotes

  • Can manage products


  • Can view own rooms

  • Can create own rooms

  • Can edit own rooms

  • Can remove own rooms

  • Can share own rooms

  • Can view any room

  • Can edit any room

  • Can remove any room

  • Can publish any room

Room templates

  • Can view room templates

  • Can create room templates

  • Can edit room templates

  • Can remove room templates

Delete custom roles

  1. Navigate to Settings by selecting your name in the lower left corner, then select Roles.

  2. Next, select the Edit role option for the role you want to delete.

  3. In the top right, select Delete role.


I don't see a custom role under Team and seats in my workspace

Check if the custom role is enabled on the workspace level in the admin panel. If the role has not been selected to be available for your workspace, then it won’t show up as an option when managing your team.

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